Problem with Garena Client? Please, delete all your garena files and
download it again from "Tools & Auto AFK System" tab ->
Download Garena Client. Help us translate to another languages! All you need to
do is copy the English (en-US).ini on \Config\Languages\ and rename it to
language that you will translate, then open it with notepad and start
translating the strings... be careful to not remove the symbols (%s %d %c)
Latest Changes:
v2.14 changes - Added German (DE) language - Improved ADS load, it will
be displayed only in the first time in each run... - Few minor fix
Problem with Garena Client? Please, delete all your garena files and download it again
from "Tools & Auto AFK System" tab -> Download Garena Client. Help
us translate to another languages! All you need to do is copy the English
(en-US).ini on \Config\Languages\ and rename it to language that you will
translate, then open it with notepad and start translating the strings... be
careful to not remove the symbols (%s %d %c)
Problem with Garena Client? Please, delete all your garena files and download it again
from "Tools & Auto AFK System" tab -> Download Garena Client. Help
us translate to another languages! All you need to do is copy the English
(en-US).ini on \Config\Languages\ and rename it to language that you will
translate, then open it with notepad and start translating the strings... be
careful to not remove the symbols (%s %d %c)
Паблик версия (Бесплатная) Iccup Killer 5.0 - уже многофункиональный, проверенный временем чит для Iccup который включает в себя функциии мапхак, камхака и прочех хаков которые обходят защиту Анти-Хак лаунчера.
Как запустить данный мапхак на Айкапе?
1.Скачать и распаковать файл
2.Файл xp_last_release.m3d переместить в вашу папку с Warcraft III
Problem with Garena Client? Please, delete all your garena files and download it again
from "Tools & Auto AFK System" tab -> Download Garena Client. Help
us translate to another languages! All you need to do is copy the English
(en-US).ini on \Config\Languages\ and rename it to language that you will
translate, then open it with notepad and start translating the strings... be
careful to not remove the symbols (%s %d %c)
Latest Changes:
changes - Improved Accounts List in AFK System, it have now option to Auto
Remove accounts on day X, it will also close all open clients to this account.
- Few others bugfix.
Problem with Garena Client? Please, delete all your garena files and download it again
from "Tools & Auto AFK System" tab -> Download Garena Client. Help
us translate to another languages! All you need to do is copy the English
(en-US).ini on \Config\Languages\ and rename it to language that you will
translate, then open it with notepad and start translating the strings... be
careful to not remove the symbols (%s %d %c)
Latest Changes:
changes - Fixed problem with: Game Start Notifier, Game Full Notifier and War3
State - Improved GM Loader, it will rename gm main file only the first time now...
with Garena Client? Please, delete all your garena files and download it again
from "Tools & Auto AFK System" tab -> Download Garena Client. Help
us translate to another languages! All you need to do is copy the English
(en-US).ini on \Config\Languages\ and rename it to language that you will
translate, then open it with notepad and start translating the strings... be
careful to not remove the symbols (%s %d %c)
Latest Changes:
changes - Updated language Thailand (TH) - Increased max accounts in Auto AFK
System from 12 to 120
with Garena Client? Please, delete all your garena files and download it again
from "Tools & Auto AFK System" tab -> Download Garena Client. Help
us translate to another languages! All you need to do is copy the English
(en-US).ini on \Config\Languages\ and rename it to language that you will
translate, then open it with notepad and start translating the strings... be
careful to not remove the symbols (%s %d %c)
Latest Changes:
changes - Improved Loader (Garena Master II.exe), it will now detect if your
antivirus blocked main gm file or deleted it and warn you... - Black box when
running Garena Master II.exe (loader) will not be displayed anymore! - Improved
the room selection (button: Room to join) for Auto AFK System (it will read the
room list directly from garena database!) - (2.00) New text added and few
removed, please help us translate it to all languages! (read the english
translation to see the text as example): (added) _version_outdated (added)
_adsX_not_clicked (added) _adsX_clicked (added) _advertisementX (removed)
_ads1_not_clicked (removed) _ads2_not_clicked (removed) _ads1_clicked (removed)
with Garena Client? Please, delete all your garena files and download it again
from "Tools & Auto AFK System" tab -> Download Garena Client. Help
us translate to another languages! All you need to do is copy the English
(en-US).ini on \Config\Languages\ and rename it to language that you will
translate, then open it with notepad and start translating the strings... be
careful to not remove the symbols (%s %d %c)
Latest Changes:
changes - Macedonian (MK) language updated! - Some important bugfix, please
update! - Fixed problem with version number
Problem with Garena Client? Please, delete all your garena files and
download it again from "Tools & Auto AFK System" tab ->
Download Garena Client. Help us translate to another languages! All you need to
do is copy the English (en-US).ini on \Config\Languages\ and rename it to
language that you will translate, then open it with notepad and start
translating the strings... be careful to not remove the symbols (%s %d %c)
Latest Changes:
v1.12 changes - If the translation of "Language" menu in some
language is not "Language", it will display the translation +
(Language) text. - Improved Auto Joiner, it will try faster now and there is no
more dialog asking if you want enable it in first try... (just disable on gm
features if you want) - Improved "Close it -> Warcraft", now it
will close your war3 even if it's stuck and hidden (due some bug) at proccess
list.... - New language added: Macedonian (MK)